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Petr Petráček - The theory of paleomagnetism - its origins and how it is used in dating of igneous rock formations and modelling of Earth´s crust movement

Date: 24/03/2015 14:00
Place: Seminární místnost KNM

In the course of Earth´s history the polarity of the Earth´s magnetic 
field has changed in irregular time intervals. We can approximate the
time of these events due to the fact that the magnetic materials
contained in igneous rocks and sediments are to some extent capable
to aquire information about the polarity of paleomagnetic field at the
time of their creation. This information can further be used to model
 the movement of the Earth´s crust and, in extension, the movement
of continents during Earth´s history. After a brief introduction to the
theory of paleomagnetism we will concentrate on the use of Fisherian statistics for modeling of spherical data and we will present several planar projections typically used to represent such data.