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Past events

Miscellaneous Traditional Modelling Trip

Date: 8.5.2024 9:10
Place: Mnichovice –> Klokočná –> Říčany
Dear modelling enthusiasts,We invite you, your friends, spouses, and furry companions to our annual…

Miscellaneous Controlling the propagation of material instabilities through architecture

Date: 21.3.2023 14:00
Place: Department of Mathematics meeting room (B-365) - Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU
We would like to invite all SIAM members and friends to a lecture on Controlling the propagation of…

Miscellaneous Domain decomposition methods for highly-heterogeneous problems–Robust coarse spaces and nonlinear preconditioning

Date: 13.2.2023 11:00
Place: Department of Mathematics meeting room (B-365) - Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU
We would like to invite all SIAM members and friends to a lecture on Domain decomposition methods…

Miscellaneous Component-scale nonlinear upscaling in solid mechanics with Deep Material Networks

Date: 6.9.2022 14:00
Place: Department of Mathematics meeting room (B-365) - Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU
We would like to invite all SIAM members and friends to a lecture on Component-scale nonlinear…

Miscellaneous Second workshop on gravity waves and stratospheric dynamics

Date: 29.8.2022 9:00
Place: : Charles University, Ovocný trh 560/5
Petr Šácha, a junior member of UNCE, is organizing a two-day workshop on 29-30 August focused on…

Miscellaneous MESIGA 2020

Date: 20.9.2020 0:00
Place: Saská Kamenice (Chemnitz), Sasko, Německo
The traditional meeting of SIAM and GAMM members will this year take place in September in Chamnitz…

Miscellaneous Winter School "Gradient Flows and Variational Methods in PDEs"

Date: 25.11.2019 0:00
Place: Ulm University
We recommend the winter school "Gradient Flows and Variational Methods in PDEs" to your attention.…

Miscellaneous Mathematics for Mechanics

Date: 29.10.2019 0:00
Place: Prague, Czechia
A worhshop on Mathematics for Mechanics will take place in Prague at the very end of October. More…

Miscellaneous An introduction to mathematical homogenization

Date: 7.10.2019 17:20
Place: seminar room K12, 3rd floor, MFF Karlín
We would like to inform you about an introductory course to homogenization (NMMA469), which will…

Miscellaneous GAMM Workshop Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra 2019

Date: 26.9.2019 9:00
Place: TU Chemnitz
GAMM organizes a workshop at TU Chemnitz in Chemnitz. This year, the main topic is Linear Algebra…

Miscellaneous Stress-inducing compliant mechanism design for total hip arthroplasty via multi-scale topology optimization

Date: 25.9.2019 13:00
Place: Room B-366, Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague
All interested persons are invited to the lecture of FSV ČVUT seminar with the topic "Stress…

Miscellaneous Conference Modelling 2019

Date: 16.9.2019 0:00
Place: Hotel Clarion, Olomouc
More information about the conference will be available at http://www.ugn.cas.cz/link/modelling19.

Miscellaneous Meeting of European SIAM and GAMM Chapters

Date: 9.9.2019 0:00
Place: RWTH Aachen University
Aachen SIAM student chapter will host the Meeting of the European SIAM and GAMM student chapters…

Miscellaneous MAT TRIAD 2019

Date: 8.9.2019 0:00
Place: Liblice
International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications. For more information see http:/…

Miscellaneous Talk by Professor Gil at Czech Technical University

Date: 5.6.2019 10:30
Place: B-366 (stavební fakulta ČVUT)
Prof. Antonio J. Gil from Swansea University will give a talk "A new framework for large strain…

Miscellaneous Trip of the Department of Numerical Mathematics

Date: 30.5.2019 10:00
Place: Train station Roztoky u Prahy
Dear colleagues and friends,we would like to kindly inform you about the spring trip of the…

Miscellaneous ESSAM School on Mathematical Aspects of Fluid Flows

Date: 26.5.2019 0:00
Place: Kácov, Czechia
Four main speakers (R. Klein, N. Pavlovic, V. Vicol, E. Wiedemann) deliver a series of four…

Miscellaneous Přednáška o Riemannově hypotéze

Date: 24.5.2019 17:00
Place: Učebna B7 (Přírodovědecká fakulta)
(text only in czech) Proděkan pro matematickou sekci na MFF UK Doc. RNDr. Mirko Rokyta, CSc., bude přednášet o jednom z…

Miscellaneous RANM 2019

Date: 7.5.2019 0:00
Place: Lodz, Poland
Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics.   Four Symposiums on…

Miscellaneous Modelling trip

Date: 1.5.2019 9:00
Place: Černý most -> Klánovice
The annual trip of the Mathematical modelling department. This year the ~8km route starts at Černý…

Miscellaneous Seminar and winter school on numerical analysis SNA 2019

Date: 21.1.2019 0:00
Place: Ostrava
More infromation will be available at http://www.ugn.cas.cz/link/sna19.

Miscellaneous The Mathematical Colloquium

Date: 20.12.2018 14:00
Place: K3
The 25th mathematical colloquium will take place at the K3 lecture room (Sokolovská 83) on the 20th…

Miscellaneous MPN Seminar - Eyen SE: A window into the world of biomolecular nanomachines

Date: 19.12.2018 17:30
Place: K1
    Invitation to the MPN seminar (http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/mffseminar/). The talk Eyen SE:…

Miscellaneous Humbuk - Christmas concert

Date: 17.12.2018 19:30
Place: K1
The members of the band Humbuk invite all fans of heavy mental country and similar genres to the…

Miscellaneous Junior Math Days, SISSA 2018

Date: 16.12.2018 0:00
Place: Trieste, Italy
The aim of Junior Math Days is to introduce master students to the research in SISSA Trieste which…

Miscellaneous Newcomers Session 2/2

Date: 7.12.2018 14:00
Place: K1
Informal meeting with new employees. The goal of the session is to get to know newcomers to the…

Miscellaneous MPN Seminar - Social singularity 21

Date: 5.12.2018 17:30
Place: T-201
Talk about ways how to achieve social singularity in 21st century.   http://www.karlin.mff.cuni…

Miscellaneous MPN Seminar - Warhorse Studios: Open world problems in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Date: 21.11.2018 17:30
Place: K1
Talk about the RPG computer game Kingdom Come: Deliverence by one of its developers.   http://www…

Miscellaneous Newcomers Session 1/2

Date: 9.11.2018 14:00
Place: K1
Informal meeting with new employees. The goal of the session is to get to know newcomers to the…

Miscellaneous MPN Seminar - PTT Software: planning the public transport

Date: 7.11.2018 17:30
Place: K1
Invitation to seminar "Matematické problémy nematematiků" (http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/mffseminar…

Miscellaneous Murders according to Bayes

Date: 24.10.2018 17:30
Place: K1
"Matematické problémy nematematiků" series seminar (http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/mffseminar/).

Miscellaneous EY: Modelling of credit risk

Date: 10.10.2018 17:30
Place: K1
"Matematické problémy nematematiků" series seminar (http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/mffseminar/).

Miscellaneous Meeting of the European SIAM and GAMM student chapters 2018

Date: 19.9.2018 0:00
Place: TU Berlin
Berlin SIAM student chapter will host the Meeting of the European SIAM and GAMM student chapters…

Miscellaneous Summer school Waves in Flows

Date: 27.8.2018 8:50
Place: Institute of Mathematics AS CR, Žitná 25, Praha 1
The summer school Waves in Flows is a part of the series of Prague Sum schools. You can find all…

Miscellaneous Murali Krishnan - Viscoelastic Transitions Exhibited by Modified and Unmodified Bitumen

Date: 24.7.2018 10:00
Place: Sokolovská 83 , Praha 8, lecture room K4
We would like to invite you to a lecture by Murali Krishnan from the Indian Institute of Technology…

Miscellaneous Talking about Teaching seminar: Miki Havlíčková [in Czech]

Date: 6.4.2018 13:00
Place: Seminární místnost KMA, 2. patro na Karlíně
(text only in czech) Na nepravidelném debatním semináři Povídání o učení promluví Miki Havlíčková, senior lecturer na…

Miscellaneous Prague computer science seminar: Libor Barto - Symmetry in Computational Complexity

Date: 22.3.2018 16:00
Place: Auditorium E-301, FEL CTU Karlovo nám. 13, Praha 2
The thirty-fourth meeting of the Prague computer science seminarLIBOR BARTO - Symmetry in…

Miscellaneous Application of numerical models in remediation

Date: 15.3.2018 10:00
Place: Žitná 25, Praha 1, Modrá posluchárna (blue lecture room)
Unfortunately the lecture will not be delivered in English. See the czech version for more info.

Miscellaneous workshop Assessment center

Date: 12.3.2018 13:00
Place: KPC MFF UK, V Holešovičkách 2, Praha 8, 13:00 - 16:00 hod
(text only in czech) Akce je určena pro všechny zájemce, počet míst je však omezen na 15. Pro účast bude nutná…

Miscellaneous The history and the presence of the uranium mining in Czechia

Date: 8.3.2018 10:00
Place: Žitná 25, Praha 1, Modrá posluchárna (blue lecture room)
Unfortunately the lecture will not be delivered in English. See the czech version for more info.

Miscellaneous Excursion to ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Mladá Boleslav

Date: 6.3.2018 7:40
Place: Škoda Auto a.s., Mladá Boleslav
(text only in czech) Rádi bychom vás informovali o akci pořádanou Kariérním poradenským centrem MFF UK. Sraz v 7:40 hod…

Miscellaneous Stories: data mining in business practice...

Date: 28.2.2018 17:30
Place: K1, Karlín
(text only in czech) seminář Matematické problémy nematematiků Ing. Viktor Brada + Ing. Hynek Walner Stories je startup…

Miscellaneous An introduction to mathematical homogenization

Date: 26.2.2018 17:00
Place: Seminární místnost K358MUUK, Sokolovská 83, Karlín
Stefan Krömer will teach an introductory course on homogenization. If you are interested, please…

Miscellaneous Two days with didactics of mathematics

Date: 15.2.2018 8:00
Place: PedF UK, Magdalény Rettigové 4, Praha
Conference about didactics of mathematics is organised on Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University…

Miscellaneous Talking about Teaching seminar: Martin Mareš [in Czech]

Date: 2.2.2018 13:00
Place: seminární místnost KMA, Sokolovská 83 (2. patro)
(text only in czech) Na nepravidelném debatním semináři Povídání o učení promluví Martin Mareš, Ph.D. na téma "Od…

Miscellaneous Week of Doctoral Students of the School of Mathematics 2017

Date: 15.6.2017 9:30
Place: Karlín, přízemí
(text only in czech) WDS-M bylo dříve složeno pouze z přednášek doktorandů, letos pořádáme v rámci WDS-M i výstavu…

Miscellaneous Tradiční modelářský výlet

Date: 17.5.2017 9:00
Place: Okolí Prahy
Vážení modeláři a příznivci modelování, zveme Vás, Vaše kamarády, manželky, psy i kočárky na…

Miscellaneous Cedric Villani - dvě přednásky na UK

Date: 13.4.2017 10:30
Place: M1, Karlov + Modrá posluchárna, Karolinum
(text only in czech) Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na dvě přednášky Cedrica Villaniho, nositele Fieldsovy medaile z roku 2010,…

Miscellaneous ATEsystem: Metody zpracování obrazu v kontrole kvality výrobků

Date: 10.4.2017 17:20
Place: K1, Karlín
seminář Matematické problémy nematematikůIng. Jaroslav Vlach, Ph.D.Matematické  metody  pro …

Miscellaneous Matematické setkání

Date: 17.3.2017 12:30
Place: Sokolovská 83, učebna K5
(text only in czech) Upozorňuje zájemce z řad studentů i vyučujících na další Matematické setkání, tentokrát na téma: …

Miscellaneous Semináře o studiu v zahraničí

Date: 28.2.2017 13:00
Place: Zelená posluchárna, Celetná 20, Praha
(text only in czech) Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové, rádi bychom Vás upozornili na Semináře o studiu v…

Miscellaneous Matematické setkávání II

Date: 9.12.2016 14:30
Place: Sokolovská 83, Karlín, učebna K6
(text only in czech) Matematické setkávání tentokrát na téma: Jaké dovednosti a schopnosti potřebuje matematik? …

Miscellaneous Matematické setkávání

Date: 11.11.2016 14:30
Place: Sokolovská 83, Karlín, učebna K6
(text only in czech) Matematické setkávání jako příležitost ke společnému přemýšlení nad otázkami, které se do sylabů…

Miscellaneous Možnosti studia v USA a Kanadě

Date: 8.11.2016 13:00
Place: Zelená posluchárna, Celetná 20, Praha 1, 1. patro, č. dv. 141
(text only in czech) Organizátor: Informační, poradenské a sociální centrum UK Seminář je určen všem, kteří zvažují…

Miscellaneous Kurz vaření pro studenty

Date: 19.10.2016 15:00
Place: učebna VOŠZ a SZŠ 5. května
(text only in czech) Také v novém akademickém roce bude IPSC UK pokračovat v realizaci úspěšného kurzu vaření pro…

Miscellaneous ESSAM School on Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Date: 29.5.2016 0:00
Place: Kácov, Czech Republic
The aim of the school is to promote the interconnection of mathematical modeling, analysis, and…

Miscellaneous Úvod do projektového IT managementu

Date: 15.3.2016 15:30
Place: KPC MFF UK, V Holešovičkách 2, Praha 8, místnost T9
(text only in czech) KPC MFF UK zve na seminář zájemce o projektový IT management. Obsah: Úvod do problematiky…

Miscellaneous Winter School - Calculus of Variations in Physics and Materials Science

Date: 14.2.2016 0:00
Place: University of Würzburg
Webpage: https://www.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/~wschool/ Speakers and Topics: Sergio Conti …

Miscellaneous Career Days for Mathematics and Computer Science

Date: 23.11.2015 9:00
Place: Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta UK v Praze, Malostranské náměstí 25, Praha 1
Regular meeting between companies, and students and recent graudates in mathematical and computer…

Miscellaneous Didier Henrion - Course on polynomial and LMI optimization in Prague

Date: 16.2.2015 10:00
Place: The Czech Technical University -- Karlovo Namesti 13, 12135 Praha 2
Course on polynomial and LMI optimization in Prague, February 2015 Contributed by: Didier…

Miscellaneous AIME@CZ 2012

Date: 7.11.2012 9:30
Place: ČVUT, Karlovo náměstí
(text only in czech) 7-8 November 2012The workshop, organized by Didier Henrion and Tomas Pajdla of the Faculty of…

Miscellaneous ADMAT2012

Date: 17.9.2012 0:00
Place: Palazzone, Cortona, Arezzo, Italy
(text only in czech) September 17-21, 2012 Main aim of the meeting is to investigate, both from modeling and analytical…

Miscellaneous Modeling and Simulation in Soft Tissue Biomechanics: from Structure to Macroscopic Response

Date: 3.9.2012 0:00
Place: Graz, Austria
(text only in czech) September 3-7, 2012 The Summer School will present a state-of-the-art overview of biomechanical…

Miscellaneous GAMM/LA Liblice

Date: 2.9.2012 0:00
Place: Chateau Liblice, Czech Republic
(text only in czech) September 2-5, 2012 The longstanding tradition of GAMM Workshops on Applied and Numerical Linear…

Miscellaneous Instabilities in Hydrodynamics

Date: 27.8.2012 0:00
Place: Paris, France
(text only in czech) August 27–31, 2012 Short courses will cover some mathematical, physical and numerical aspects…

Miscellaneous The 22nd Jyväskylä Summer School

Date: 8.8.2012 0:00
Place: Jyväskylä, Finland
(text only in czech) August 8-24, 2012 The Jyväskylä Summer School is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and…

Miscellaneous EVEQ 2012

Date: 9.7.2012 0:00
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
(text only in czech) July 9-13, 2012 EVEQ 2012 is a summer school on evolution equations. It is organized by the …

Miscellaneous SOMMERKOLLEGS - Letní jazykové školy programu AKTION

Date: 1.7.2012 0:00
Place: České Budějovice / Poděbrady
(text only in czech) Červenec 2012 V tandemu se studenty z Rakouska má 2 x 18 studentů možnost během tří týdnů výrazně…

Miscellaneous Schola Ludus

Date: 1.7.2012 0:00
Place: Academic and University Center Nove Hrady, Czech republic
(text only in czech) 1 July – 28 July 2012 Education programs Summer school for students from high schools and Schola…

Miscellaneous HYP2012

Date: 25.6.2012 0:00
Place: Padova, Italy
(text only in czech) June 25-29, 2012 The Fourteenth International Conference on "Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics…

Miscellaneous RIPS 2012

Date: 24.6.2012 0:00
Place: Los Angeles, CA, USA
(text only in czech) 24 June - 24 August, 2012 Osvědčená možnost účasti na Research in Industrial Projects for Students…

Miscellaneous FOODSIM'2012

Date: 18.6.2012 0:00
Place: Freising, Germany
(text only in czech) June 18-20, 2012FOODSIM’2012 will bring together researchers, food experts, and…

Miscellaneous SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra

Date: 18.6.2012 0:00
Place: Valencia, Spain
(text only in czech) June 18-22, 2012 SIAM will support students and postdoc/early career travel awards. To apply for…

Miscellaneous Stochastic Modelling in Biological Systems

Date: 18.3.2012 0:00
Place: Oxford
(text only in czech) March 18-23, 2012 The three main lecture course topics are: Transport processes in cells(Paul…